Wraparound Care

EBNO.pngBreakfast and After School Club

Provided By:

  • 07.15-08.30: Premier Breakfast Club- Premier Education
  • 08.25-08.55: Early Birds Breakfast Buddies: Carlyle free breakfast club offer
  • 3.15- 4.15/5.15 Night Owls After School Club: Miss Slack (Night Owls Manager)


  • Carlyle Infant and Nursery Academy (Main Hall)


  • Pupils attending Carlyle Infant and Nursery academy
  • Nursery children are not able to access Early Birds Breakfast Buddies for free and will incur a small charge- please speak to Mrs Curits to discuss this if required


  • Premier Breakfast Club - £5 paid and booked directly with Premier Education www.premier-education.com
  • Night Owls After School Club 3.15pm - 4.15pm (Short Session) £6 payable through Carlyle ParentPay account
  • Night Owls After School Club 3.15pm-5.15pm (long session including snacky tea) £12 £6 payable through Carlyle ParentPay account


Early Birds Breakfast Buddies

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Night Owls After School Club

 A range of activities is provided for the children ensuring there is a balance between relaxation and play. The club is not seen as an extension of school learning but aims to provide a comfortable, homely atmosphere where the children have a choice of activities in which to participate. 

All bookings can be made via Parent Pay up to 90 days in advance and must be paid for at the time of booking.   Bookings will close one clear day before the day of the session.   This ensure that we have the correct ratio of staff to children.

  If you need your parent pay log in please contact the school office on 01332 760369 or email info@carlyle.theharmonytrust.org 

Carlyle Infant and Nursery Academy

Carlisle Avenue, Littleover, Derby DE23 3ES

Catherine Hitchcock

01332 760369


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
