Pupil Premium
At Carlyle Infant and Nursery Academy, we understand that challenging social economic circumstances can create additional barriers to success for children. However, we strongly believe that these challenges can be overcome.
Quality first teaching is imperative to improving outcomes for disadvantaged children. Excellent teaching can be achieved by all teachers through high quality professional development and shared outstanding practice.
Although financial support is provided for schools specifically for children who qualify for pupil premium, outstanding educational outcomes for these children are best achieved through ensuring outstanding practice in classrooms throughout school. In this way all vulnerable children are helped to achieve the best possible outcomes according to their starting points.
Tackling Barriers
At Carlyle Infant and Nursery Academy, we recognise that the primary way to overcome barriers to learning is through quality first teaching. We have also taken into account research papers by the DFE, The Education Endowment Foundation and OFSTED on how to use funding to raise achievement for disadvantaged pupils. This has enabled us to consider use of the funding and how to ensure best practice.
Strategies we deploy to overcome barriers for our disadvantaged pupils are:
Quality first teaching and targeted support to ensure the attainment gap is reduced.
High quality Early Years Provision with focus on Early Intervention.
Cultural enrichment opportunities trips, visitors, artists, sports coaches and music practitioners.
Parental involvement/ engagement: Classes are held to support parents in developing their knowledge and understanding of how to support their children’s learning at home.
Emotional wellbeing is developed through the use of learning mentors who equip children with the strategies to monitor and regulate their feelings and improve self-esteem and confidence. A PSHE & Citizenship enriched curriculum that supports and develops the whole child to his or hers full potential.
Readiness for learning and the busy school day through the provision of basic equipment, food and nutrient where and when required.
At Carlyle Infant and Nursery Academy our aims are:
To deliver quality first teaching for all
To close the attainment gap for vulnerable groups
To make sure that all pupils who receive pupil premium funding are making expected or exceeding progress
To ensure that this progress is accelerated
To provide curriculum experiences and opportunities, to enhance pupil’s progress in academic, social and emotional development
This is underpinned by our Carlyle and Harmony Trust Values; Believe, Achieve, Succeed.
If you require any further information about Pupil Premium, please do contact the school directly or speak to Sarah Curtis, our Pupil Premium lead within school.